Check out this month's Baby and Me music fun for you and your little one!
"Buster Brown"
This is a really fun bounce that is one of our children's favorites! Bounces are great for helping your child feel steady beat. While saying the rhyme to the beat, bounce your baby up and down to the steady beat! You can bounce Baby on your knees or down on your foot!
"Buster Brown"
Buster Brown went to town,
Riding a billy goat leading a hound.
Hound barked,
Billy Goat jumped,
And threw Buster Brown right over the stump!
"The Leaves Are Green the Nuts Are Brown"
This fun circle song is great for you and your toddler, and it has the bonus of being able to add friends to the fun! Don't forget to all fall down at the end, which is Baby's favorite part!
"The Leaves Are Green the Nuts Are Brown"
The leaves are green the nuts are brown. They hang so high they won't come down. Leave 'em alone 'til frosty weather, And they will all fall down together!